Seven Oaks # 15 Card 1
SEVEN OAKS # 15 CARD 1.tif SEVEN OAKS UNIT NO. 15 "~ Card # 1:t~ Lots 1148 & 1157- Permit to Rancho Bernardo, Inc. to maintain exist 6 1 high fence encro 15 1 into estab 15 1 SB on Juarez Dr., on both lots, where max 3 1 high fence is perm, at Juarez Dr. betw Casero & San Salvador Rds., Zone R-1-5, Cond'l. ~ ~--~.:_-!fl.:..?...._(1 i'~:/..:._~J}___ {~-J_!>_:.:~:]lfd~t~)-~~:-~J?-~~:______::-?~~----- Lots 1145 & 1159 (C-9591) and Lots 1146-1148 & 1157 & 1158- Z.A. considered appl of Rancho Bernardo Homes, Inc., to (C-9577) (1) construct model homes to be located closer than 200' from occupied dwelling unit in same subd & where subd map was recorded more than 2 yrs ago; (2) erect on Lot 1159 a 10' b.i trellis & solid fenced walkway obs Xk 12' to 16 1 rear yd where 20' is req; (3)erect on Lot 1159 a two-poled, cross~bar structure 10' in heignt with double-faced ID sign att to bar, face of sign to be 5' x 2'6" and sign to obs a O' SB on Casero Rd. wnere 10' nae been estab on Lots 1145 & 1159 at 16703 and 16704 Juarez Dr. betw Casero Dr. & San Salvador Rd., Zone R-1-5,& (C-9591) to maint exist model home complex and real estate sales office for a period of one yr where such use is req to terminate two years after recordation of final subd map & may not be located closer than 200' from any occupied dwelling unit in same subd on Lots 1146- 1148 & 1157 & 1158 at 16711-27 Juarez Dr. betw San Salvador Rd. & Bernardo Oaks Dr., Zone R-1-5 and has made the following decisions: C-9577 (1) APPROVED (2) DENIED: (3) DENIED-- C-9591- DENIED as req but APPROVED for a 6 mo period of time to exp 6-30-70. (t-?,IJ-1D- '7'ur.u1;.) C-9577 & 91 12-17-69----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------