Sheldons' Sub Of Hortons Addn Block 180
SHELDONS' SUB OF HORTONS ADDN BLOCK 180.tif SHELDON'S SUB. OF HORTON'S ADDITION BLOCK 180 Lots 11 & 12- Permit to J.K. Stickney- buildings erected will be at least 5' from front prop line~ Res. 43549 11-7-27 Nly 50' of Lots 5-B- Permit to Mrs. M. Jeffreys, Eliz. Knecbtel & Sarah Hale to raise the bouse at 1421 B St. & constr a store & apt underneath, with a 4 1 sideyd for the apt, no sideyd for the store & a 3' rear yd for both. Res. 1464 4-11-46 Lots 19 & 20- Permit to Anna M. McClure to make an 8 1:x5 addn to res witb 6 1 rear yd at 1442 C St., addn to maint 10' rear yd. Res. 2020 1-30-47 Blk 180, Blks 3-8 & 13-15 Gardner's Addn, Blks 2,25,26, & 184 Horton's Addn,=Blks 1,2, 25,26, & 181-184, L.L. Locklin's Subd., Zimmerman's Subd- Permit to S.D. Unified School District to maint & to constr & operate a City College located on said subd in the R-4 and C Zones, located betw Russ Blvd., C st., 17th St. & 12th Ave. CUP 215-PC 11-17-69