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Development Services

Sherman's Addn Block 10

SHERMAN'S ADDN BLOCK 10.tif.- SHERMAN I &ADDITION BLOCK 10 NlOO' Lots 1 & 8- Permit to 1st Properties Co-Ownership Group, own & Food Maker Co., lessee to const 200' long x 5' to 81 bi concrete blk wall with 3' bi fence on top of all, area adj to wall to be filled in after const, 2295 Market St., c zone, condl C-3614 N.H. 10-4-60----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------North 100' of Lots 7 & 8- Permit APPROVED by ZA to JAMES F. & ALICIA B.PRICE, and DAHMEN M. BROWN (UNDER DECLARATION OF TRUST), owners; and FOODMAKER, INC., lessee, to construct an 88 sq. ft. addition to nonconforming fast food restaurant (Jack-In-The-Box); addition observes all yard requirements, at 2295 Market Street, Zone R-3. Conditions. C-17758 9-24-82 North 100' of Lots 7 and 8- Permit APPROVED by ZA to JAMES F. PRICE, ALICIA B. PRICE, DAHMEN M. BROWN (UNDER DECLARATION OF TRUST), owners; FOODMAKER, INC, lessee, to remove existing 240 sq. ft,, 35' high identification sign and 110 sq, ft. of wall sign and replace with a 30' high, 94 sq. ft, pole sign and 60 sq. ft, of wall sign where a maximum of 20 sq. ft, of sign is permitted; 33 sq. ft. passenger menu board and 12 sq. ft. station board to remain, at 2295 Market Street, Zone R-3. Conditions. C-17875 12-17-82