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Development Services

Sherman's Addn Block 30

SHERMAN'S ADDN BLOCK 30.tif SHERMAN'S ADDITION BLOCK 30 Lot 6- Permit to E.J. Cornelison to remodel an exist store, to tne property line on 20th St,, Zone R-4, 301 20th St. Res 69719 8-1-39 Lot 7 and Por Lot 8- CUP to Paul W. Hebert and Aztec Construct ion Co., Inc. to con st and operate a 16-unit elderly and handicapped housing facility on a 7,500 sq. ft, parcel, with perking and landscaping, in the R-4 Zone. Located on the west side of 21st Street between J and K Streets. 506-PC. 2-1-78.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lots 7 & 8- Permit to San Diego Best Builders, Inc. at 2040 K St., Zone R-3, to constr 2-story 6-unit apt bldg with (1) bldg obs a 13' fr yd and stairs obs 3' fr yd (Z) to obs an 8 1 611 str side yd and (3) bldg to obs 9' rear yd and stairway to obs 4 1 rear yd. Condit. C-16014 6/25/79