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Sherman's Addn Block 44 Card 1

SHERMAN'S ADDN BLOCK 44 CARD 1.tif SHERMAN'S ADDITION BLOCK 44 ~ot l- Condl permit to James A. & Maude Wood, own & Al Jones, rentor to operate a hand prin~ir1g ~press at 2103 K St. Res. 1895 11-21-46 Por Lots 5 & 6- Permit to Virginia M. Millan, Maria M. Torgeson, & Ida R. Ramos to canst 180 sq ft bedroom addn to exist front sin fam res on a par with 2 sin fam dwellings; addn & exist res meeting all yd requirements, but rear dwelling obs 3' rear yd where 10' is req at 201 21st St., NE cor 21st & L Sts., R-4 zone, condl c-6801 10-22-64 Lots 10-12- The z.A. considered the request of Gene Golliet & Ted Younes to maintain 12. sq. ft. double=faced, illum, 6' high ground sign obs O' street side yard on "K" St. where 10' is req, and obs O' front yard on 22nd St. where 15' is req., at 2137 "K" St. betw 21st and 22nd Sta. Zone R-4 and has DENIED as req but APPROVED sign to be attached to the face of the bldg along each street, a max total of 10 sq. ft. on "K" St. and max total of 15 sq. ft. on 22nd st. c:..12515 4-18-74 Appealed to BZA- Appeal DENIED (5-28-74) Lot 4,- Permit to maintain a 2-sty, 3-unit Apart. Bldg to obs a 14'2" RY where 15' is reqd in Lot 4, at 231 21st St., Zone R-3. C-17314 7/24/81------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------,., Applicant for above is ADMINISTRATOR OF VETERANS AFFAIRS