Sherman's Addn Block 47
SHERMAN'S ADDN BLOCK 47.tif SHERMAN'S ADDITION BLOCK 47. 1' ~, Lots 2-4- Req. of A. Duane & Helen R. Smith (owners Lots 2, 4 & purch of Lot 3); Woodrow & Eunice S. DeLoach, (owners Lot 3) to develop par for parking lot for industrial use locatec on Lots 5 & 6 adj south, Zoned M-1. Parking to obs 14' from curb line & 0' from p.l. on 21st St. TABLED Case No. 7491 12/j/65 Lots 2, 3, & 4- Req. fence encroaching 15' Zone R-4 was TABLED. of A. Duane & Helen into req 15 1 SB, at R. Smith to erect approx 150' of 6 1 chain link 2118 Imperial Ave., betw (L) St. & Imperial Ave., Case No. 7519 12/3/65 In ref to reg from Lot 9- RKXMit t~ NATIONAL SPRING & BRAKE (Geo. Hill) to use Lot 9 for supplemntl parking for company directly alj to S in Zone M-1, where res id uses only are perm- to erect 200' of 6 1 hi ch link fencing w/3 strands barbed wire on top thereof obs 0 1 frnt yd on 22nd St, obs O' int SY on N PL and O' RY on W. PL where sharp pnted fencing is not allowd in R-4 Zone & max 3' hi fence is perm in req 15' frnt yd & max 6 1 hi fence is perm in requ 3' inter Side yard and 10' rear yd- Map #856, on 22nd St betw Imperial Ave & L St Zone R-4; APPROVED use of Lot 9 for parking; DENIED fen~e as req, but APPROVED 5' hi sol id fence alg the W. & N. PL dropping down to 3' in ht 10' back from the frnt PL, w/conds. C.U.P. C-11126 4-11-72