Sherman's Addn Block 56 Card 1
SHERMAN'S ADDN BLOCK 56 CARD 1.tif SHERMAN 1S ADDITION BLOCK 56 Car~ Lot 2- Permit to S.D. Transit System to const cyclone fence approx 120' long & 6 1 nigh on top of exist retaining vall, with over-all ht of 6 1 to 10', SE cor Imperial & 15th Sts. Res. 3817 4-6-49---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lots 10-12- Condl permit to S.D. Transit System to canst fence, gate posts, gate & ove~ head track, max nt of 13'8" for overhead track, & max ht of 6' for chain link fence & gate at 1505 Imperial Ave., M-1. c-1623 1-31-58 Lots I through 12- Permit GRANTED to THE DIOCESE OF SAN DIEGO, EDUCATION AND WELFARE CORPORATION, a California Corporation, owner/permittee, to construct and operate the new emergency center addition to the St. Vincent De Paul warehouse facility, located on the north side of Commercial Street between 15th and 16th Streets, Zone M-:1 and M-2. ('-1-~t-lY) p/1 af:C;_._ <-C tl P/'3-0 I '1 3. I CUP #83-0193 7-12-83 Lots 1 thru 12- Permit to THE DIOCESE OF SAN DIEGO, EDUCATION & WELFARE CORP. to operate & construct the new emergency ctr addn to the St. Vincent de Parul warehouse facility, located on the north side of Commercial Street between 15th & 16th Sts., Zoned M-1 & M-2, Map Nos. 278 & 856, CUP NO. 83-0193 7/12/83