Sherman's Addn Block 59 Card 1
SHERMAN'S ADDN BLOCK 59 CARD 1.tif ~HERM\N 1 ~!\Di.'ITIOH kekj),:,., i'en.H BLOCK 59 CARD #1 Lot 1-!\GREEMENT #P.--688 to qlter an exis dwiJling on the re <1r of Lot 1. Permit to Simeon F. Labrador and Maria J. Lqbrador. October 25, 1950 Lots 11 and 12- Permit APPROVED by ZA to E. CLOWES and CLAIRE B. JONES AND ROBERT D. AND ESTELLA M. HAMPTON to erect approximately 72'-0" of retaining wal 1 ranging in height from 2'-0" to 6 1-011, extending for 60 1-011 along 19th Street and 12 1-011 along the rear property 1 ine, with 8 1-011 high sol id fence on top where maximum 10'-0" high wal I is permitted with 3'-0" high open fence on top, located at 1835 Imperial Avenue (also known as 66 S. 19th Street), Zone M-1. Condition. C-18272 NH l l-29-83