Shirley Terrace Map 2585
SHIRLEY TERRACE MAP 2585.tif SHIRLEY TERRACE- MAP 2585? Lot;l- Permit to Robbie Edwards to constr a 30' x 14 16 11 bedroom & bath addn to exist sin fam dwell on lot containing 2 dwellings; addn to obs all yards but resulting in approx 43~ coverage wnere 4a1, is perm; at 5245 Cnurcnward St betw San Jacinto & Santa Margarita Streets, Zone R-2 C=l0262 NH 12-22 70------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lot 2- ZA APPROVED request of NOUM NAMVONG to demolish and remove an existing 198 sq. ft., enclosed patio and construct a 465 sq. ft. addition to one of two nonconforming units on a premise with a total of two dwelling units where current zoning permits one, located at 5235 Churchward Street, SF-5000 Zone. w/conditions C-21154 1/24/94 /