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Development Services

Silver Frontier(Resub #1 Of Map 6700)

SILVER FRONTIER(RESUB #1 OF MAP 6700).tif SILVER FRONTfER (~esub #I ef Map 6700) Por Lot 2- Permit APPROVED BY ZA to La Jolla Motel Investment Co., a limited partnership, owner; Housing Partners, LTD., a Calif. Limited partnership, purchaser to construct four carports and canvas awning entryways over existing parking on lot with existing 84-unit, 2-story apartment complex where enlargement of a non-conforming use is not permitted except by zone variance, at 3140 and 3142 Midway Dr., Zone C & M-l=A. Conditions. 0.,c(J,.f~A'd 3 <1:':J-S:O Cl6659 4-11-80 Portion of Lot 3- Permit DENIED to NITE LITE INN (dba GROSVENOR INN), a California Corporation, owner/permittee, to maintain and continue operation of a 15-space recreation vehicle park in conjunction with a 160 room motel complex, located on the northwesterly side of Rosecrans Street, between Sports Arena Boulevard and Midway Drive, Zone Area B of the Midway Planned District; CUP 83-0545 10-13-83