Silver Terrace (Amended Map) Block 14
SILVER TERRACE (AMENDED MAP) BLOCK 14.tif BLOCK 14 I, Lot 7- Permit to C.F. & Hazel Eck to add to gar w/apt above, making the bldg 38' long ~ side yd, 5852 Mildred St. Res. 7567 7-8-53 Loi,7- Permit to Charles F, & Hazel w. Eck to remove por of retain wall & por of founda- tion & 2 porches of exist duplex & add gar partially underground & const kitchen & liv room addn above gar to exist duplex w/cantilevered landing over gar door & approx 3' above ground level for access; landing to obs 11 1 SB where the aver of the blk, 15', is req; duplex is located on par w/exist dwell at rear which obs 0' side yd perm by Res. 7567 at 5852 Mildred St., betw Eureka & Goshen Sts., Zone R-4. c-5818 1-16-63 Lot 5- Permit to Mrs. Yoneko Shiwotsuka to const retain wall ranging in ht to 5' obs 0' SB on Ruby St. where the aver SB of the blk 18 1 is req & a max 3' hi fence in SB area is perm, at 1330 Goshen St. betw SW cor of Ruby & Goshen Sts., Zone R-4, condl c-6486 5-13-64