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Development Services

Silver Terrace Block 2

SILVER TERRACE BLOCK 2.tif SILVER TERRACE BLOCK 2 NWly 45' of Lot 3- Permit to Jos. & Etnel Boyea, Jr. to const duplex, making 3 units on lot with l unit having 4 1 acc. ct., 5n9 Lauretta St. Res. 8088 3-31-54 Lot 15- ZA APPROVED request of DONALD L. BEAN, OWNER: DONALD L. BEAN & WALTER T. SCHWERIN, PURCHASESERS TO CONSTR. A 4-STORY APART. BLDG. 1) to provide 10 units where 5 units are permitted; 2) 2 column bay windows to observe a 13'6" front yard where 15' is reqd.; 3)build- ing to observe a 5' east, side yard where 10 is reqd.; 4) two colums of bay windows to ob- serve a 3'6" east, side yard; 5) Building to cover 60% of the lot where a maximum of 50% is permitted; and 6) building to provide floor area ratio of 1.9 where a max. of 1.8 is permitted, subj. to conds. at 5700 Block of Riley St., R-1000 zone. C-19674 8/7/87 Lot 14- ZA APPROVED request of DONALD L. BEAN, OWNER; DONALD L. BEAN & WALTER T. SCHWERIN, LESSEE to constr. a parking lot, to provide parking for proposed adjacent residential development on the 5700 block of Riley St., R-1000 zone with conds. C-19675 8/7/87