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Development Services

Skyline Hills #1 Card 3

SKYLINE HILLS #1 CARD 3.tif SKYLINE HIW3 #1 4052-c CARD #3 ~., ~ Lot 31- The Z.A. considered the request of Elmo A. Higgins, Agent for Leos. & Betty Gooch, OWners, to constr 18 1 x 26 1 family room addn to exist sin fam dwell; addn to obs9'-8" rear yard where 20' is required, at 7183 Peter Pan Ave., Zone R-1-5, and has DENIED as requested but APPROVED constr of a fam room addn to exist sin fam dwell obs 14' rear yard. Cond'l. C-13113 6-6-75------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 80- Permit to Vera S. Brown to const a 15 1 x 24', one-story addn to exs sfd, addn to ~r.~f~_"tk5l_Skyline_Drive.__ R-l-S_Zone.__ conditions.__ c-14752.__ 11-29-77,______ Lot 100- AGREEMENT to HELENE, TOTTRESS to construct one story wash room, and two bedroom addition, located at 7033 Tuther Way, Zone R-1-5. AGREEMENT #2944 7-5-83 Lot 82- Permit DENIED by ZA to ROBERT W, SPANN to sell firearms from residentially zoned premises on Saturdays between the hours of 4 p.m. and 6 p.m., where such activity is not permitted except in accordance with the provisions of the Home Occupation Ordinance, located at 7131 Skyline Drive, Zone R-1-5. H. 0. #34680 l0-J8-83 Lot 117- Permit is granted to E-Z SERVE OF CALIFORNIA, a cal if. corp, owner & SUNRISE CONVENIENCE STORE CORP., a Calif Corp, Permitee, to construct & operate a gasoline service station & food mart locatdon the NW corner of Skyline Dr. & Lausanne Drive, Zoned CA. CUP #83-0907 PC 2/16/84