Skyline Hills # 2 Card 1
SKYLINE HILLS # 2 CARD 1.tif SKYLINE HILLS j2 CARD #1 Lot 374- Perrnit to Frank H. & Willie M. Andrews to maintain exist carport located less than 70 1 from front property line encroaching 4' into req 4' side yard, at 262 Sychar Rd. betw Welling Way & Sl0Jline Dr., in Zone R-1-5, condl. Case No. 7458, 1/31/66 Lot 289- Permit to William E. & Mary Evje to maintain exist 35' x 50' sunshade struc which observ8 rear yd where 20' rear yd is req & results in 41.1i coverage where max 4oi coverage is perm; at 368 Los Reyes Dr betw Ma.drone Ave & Sychar Rd, Zone R-l-5. (As Amended) Case No. 8165 6-14-67-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 415- Permit to Billy B. & Tomiko Wilkinson to maintain exist 4'9" high retaining wall wit. (1 11.5"';high decorative block wall on top and two pillars, one- 5'10~" high and one- 6 high, ~ oos 10 11 11 SB on 69th St. where max 3 1 high retaining wall with 3 1 high open fence on I~ in est.ab 10 1 SB, at 118- 69th St. betw Benson Ave. & Skyline Dr., Zone R-1-5, Amended 1;11 8-7-67 Case No, 8235 N.H. 7-ll-b7--------------------------------------------------------------------------------LP I- JAME$ WNiTE O,L c~. 51 <.'r'L/Ne. 012.. 'i I.AusANN I C..-5~79 LANO SCAPE. (L-17) 7-18-"2- Lot 171- Permit to Obbie & Lettie Richardson to constr an ll 18 11 x 25 1 611 room addn to exist sin fa.m unit obs at closest point 3'3" side yard where 4 1 is required at 351 Kaymar Dr. betw Los Sanito Dr and Welling Wey. Zone R-1-5. C-11502 N.H. 9-5-72-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------