Smithers Heights Card 1
SMITHERS HEIGHTS CARD 1.tif SMITHERS HEIGHTS ~ s //Y-fl'f'S a,card # double-faced sign adv new sub back o'il/'.::,tJ Lot 2, Pennit to the Ka oc Corp. to c onst 8 1 x 14 1 NI'/ cor::> oledad Rd & Kilkenny way,-"one Rr-lC for l yr to expire 7-31-61.!> o- 1,,; Gase 3479 Jlc,:. c ' r; I' 7 "7-20-60 '-'ot 21,.Permit to above to const 3' x 5' direct, sign back; side of::,, N of Soledad Way, R-lC, for 1 yr to expire 7-31-61 Gase 3478 1:VLa 1 " I.- 2.3~.f~9r Lots 1 & 2 res as model homes with se.les off in gar on,...ot 2, one 3 1 x 5 1 sign on sales off & 3 18":x: 24" feature-sign,.:;, use Mot 14 as const material com1,ound yd for l yr at Nw cor Kilkennv ay.c, havme,, R-lC. l vr t., exp 7-31-61. lJase 3477 ~i.~U,.,1 1:-20-60-----:---:_---------_...--------------- ~.)':_2..3 ': (_~_---- Lot 13, rermit to The Kaloch Copr to const sing fa.a dwel 5 1 aideyd (8' req) on Kilkenny way SEly from Soledad Bd,.R-lC, cond' 1 C&N 3489 8-5-60 Lot 6, Permit to The Kaloch eorp. to conat sing fam. dwel obs 5' sideyd on Nly aide (7'-9"re~ SEly from:Soledad Bd on Kilkenny viay,.R-lC, cond1 1. Case 3488 8-5-60----------------------------------------------- Lot 2 & Lot 19, Permit to The Kalock ~orp. to move exist 8 1 x 14' sign from Lot 2 to.L.ot 19 sign to obs l' fnn Kilkenny Way & 8' frm Soledad Rd. (10 1SB on Kilkenny Wy & 20 1 ~B ~oledad Rd req,) SE cor, R-lC,for l yr to expire 3-1-62. N.H. Case 3885 (,, fdt.:, 0.. 2-16-61 4.-,~,-1,-------------------------------------------..!jJ_--- Lot 19, Permit to ep prox 8' above 4 1 to 7' above The Kaloch ~orp to aver adj grd level; aver adj grd level, erect 6' hi fence on SWly prop line, resulting in fence & erect 4 1 hi fenceon ~'Ely prop line, 11 ~"E cor Kilkenny Way & Soledad Rd, Hr-lC, " " Lot 2, Penni t to l~al och 1,;o rp fence 9' above aver adj grd i,-~ Case 3906 2-24-61 to erect 4' hi fence on NE prop line back of SB resulting in level, NE cor Ailkenny way & Soledad Rd, R-lC. CD Case 3907 2-24-61