Socosite Tract # 1
SOCOSITE TRACT # 1.tif SOCCSITE TRACT 1:!l I Lotl- Perrrdt to The Pacific Telephor:e f Tclei:;raph Co., to coL3t 17'-4" x 32 1 supply room addition to connect to exist office bldg b,; 15'-~'" x 14 1 br:;c:,zeway; exist;;tructure and '1.11 yd and parking re,pire:;ents, where public utiL ties for public service and sing fam res is perm, at 915- 19tr: =;t., tetw Ccronado \ve. & El: St., Zo.'.le R-1. c.u.r. ras,c. /Jc. 6402 4-8-64 Lot 1 and Por Lot 2- Permit to Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Co. to expand, operate & maintain an existing telephone operations center located on tne SE cor of Elm Ave and 19thSt.. Zone R-1-5. 346-PC 6-16-72 Lot I- ZA APPROVED request of WILLIAM RAY ALLEN & JEANETTE MARIE ALLE~, ELMER RAY ALLEN & ELMA MAY ALLEN, ROBERT N, EMMONS & MILDRED FAY EMMONS, owners; CLAUDE H. MORRISON TEMPLE ASSOCIATION, INC. purchaser, to convert a building & property previously used as a tele- phone operations center to a Masonic Lodge, where facilities for private clubs, lodges, & fraternal organizations are permitted by Condition Use Permit only at 915 19th St, Zone Rl-5000, cond. C-18606 10/26/84