Sol-Y-Mar Map 9026 Card 3
SOL-Y-MAR MAP 9026 CARD 3.tif Lot 4- ZA APPROVED dwelling to observe observe a 3' south, conds. request of JOHN BLOOMBERT APPROVED to construct a single-family a 6' south, side yard where 10' is reqd and a second story deck to side yard subj to conds. at 1245 Skylard Drive, Aone Rl-40,000 with C-19496 2/20/87-------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 4- ZA APPROVED request of JOHN BLOOMBERG to constr. a single-family dwelling with two guest quarters at 1245 Skylard Drive, Zone Rl-40,000 with conds. C-19497 2/20/87 Lot 2,3 & 4- ZA APPROVED request of ODMARK/WELCH, a partnership, to construct single-family dwellings on each lot with access to required parking over private easement on Lots 3 and 4, located at 1248 Skylark Drive on Lot 4. Lot 2- 1236 Skylark Drive. Lot 3- 1224 Skylark Drive, Zone Rl-10000, with conds. C-15905 AMENDED 6/12/79- APPROVED request for reduced rear yard for Lot 2. 3/23/79 Lat 2- ZA heard request of FRED LE.VY to construct guest quarters baove a new garage on a lot developed with a single family dwelling where such requires a CUP (2) to maintain approximately 95'0" of 8'0" high wall observing a 0'0" east side yard where 6'0" ht is the rraximum height pennitted. ZA APPROVED item 1 subj to cond, and DENIED item 2. C-19759 10/30/87