Soledad Corona Estates # 3
SOLEDAD CORONA ESTATES # 3.tif SOLEDAD CORONA ESTATES NO. 3 rr,s DO..$ #:, It /645.- ~- Lot 222- Permit to Frank A. & G. Judith Powell, Jr. to const an 8.33'x25' addn to exs' sfd. Addn to obs a 6.5' int sd yd at clst pt at 2805 Palomino Circle. R-1-20 Zone. Condition. C-14853 NH. 12-6-77. Lots 203- 207- Permit APPROVED by ZA, to Vistaview Developments, Inc. to/for (I) construction of a single-family dwelling on each lot, observing a 14 1 front setback where 20' is established; (2) entry bridges and driveway ramps ranging in height from 0' to 13 1-611 on Lots 203-206 to observe at the closest point a 0' front setback where 20' is established; and (3) building height to result in 35' on Lots 203 and 204, 40 1 on Lots 205 and 206, and 31' on Lot 207 where a maximum 30' height is permitted, in 5600 block Soledad Mountain Road between Desert View Drive and Palomino Circle, Zone R-1-10. Conditions. 0 SEE ALSO CASE NUMBER 1647 f-f("I~ 7-il-8 5 EXT. to 6/8/82..-~- ASE 16462;,2.__ 1-8-80 Lot 167- Permit APPROVED by A2A wall observing 17' setback where R-1-10. Condition. KARN A. S. VITOLA to is established, at 5826 C-17312 NH of 10' high block Mountain Road, Zone 7-2-81 Lot 189- ZA APPROVED request of ARTHUR D. & ANNE K. BLEIER to construct approx. 100' of 5' hi fence observing a O' setback on Cactus Way where a 3' hi fence is permitted in established 20' setback at 2671 Palomino Circle in the Rl-1000 zone with conds. C-19050;1 2/20/85