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Development Services

Soledad Terrace Card 4

SOLEDAD TERRACE CARD 4.tif-~F"Tie,~:_-~-_--:t,.._..,. """.f____- ~.r.rt01111t-...JifEl-m-_____ Permit to Mob1lhome to 5/ll/53 Por Lot 24- Permit to Lawren~e A. Doore to const res on par split after zoning, on Alta Vista betw Los Altos & Turqoise, R-lc, cond'l Case No. 683 8-13-56 Eli- L~t-i9;-p;;;;;it-t~-w;;;:-n~&-Vi;gi~1;-c;;;1;;~-p~~h:-&-E;t;t;-~f-Ott~-F:-M;~;~-A:E:Gtll~h;1 Admin., owner to construct sin f'am res, split af'ter zoning, but prior to 12-5-54, east of, 1694 Los Altos Rd, R-lB zone, that 5 1 easement be granted to City for ft. widen. Los Altos Case 2600 6-26-59_------------------------------------------------ Wly 60' of Lot 17 & Ely 10' of Lot 16- Pennit to Edward D. & Marion c. Sly to construct single fam res with attached gar on parcel split after date of orig zoning but prior to 12/5/54 on Los Altos Road, Zone R-1B. CASE #5141 8/31/62 Lot 28- Perm1 t to Gilbert & Henrietta Fritz to CD nst si:r:g fam dwell obs 101 SB from Collingwood Dr-. where aver of the blk 141 SB is req, at SW intersection Loring St. & Collingwood Dr., Zone R-1. Case No. 5331 11-19-62---------------------------------------------~----------------------------- Lot 28- ABOVE AMENDID 2-15-63 tot 9- Permit to John M. & Anna M. Bates obs~' SB & const sing fem res whloh will Rd, R-1 Zone, Condl..2; to remove exist dwell which also obs 5, SB, at 5004 Soledad Case No. 5633 4-25-63