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Soledad Terrace Card 5

SOLEDAD TERRACE CARD 5.tif,.. SOLEDAD TERRACE CARD #5 Lot 9- Permit to John M. & Anna Bates to constr sin fam res with eaves projecting 8 1 and catwal.k above 1st floor proj 4 1 (eaves perm to ext 4 1 over and 20' rear yard req), at 5004 Kate Seas ions Way. Zone R-1. Cond 'l.. c-5931 8-16-63 Lot 16 (por) Permit to Howard Golen to move in smaJ.l building & convert into a stable. AGREE #396 12-19-46 Lot 10-11- Permit to John & Lena Pernicano and Donald & Kathryn Hunter to dev church plant with supplemental parking on adj lot, in 5000 blk Kate Sessions Way near Loring Rd Extensioz Zone R-1-20. c-8615 4-18-68 Lot 26 (Por)- Permit to Allan & Rene Rosenblatt to constr pool equipment and recreation room with bar sink at 1680 Los Altos Rd, AGREE # 1556 9_16-68 Lot 8- Permit to Henry and Juanita Weedn to enlarge exist porch of sin fam dwell; exist obs 9' at closest point and new to obs 8 1 at closest point where 15' is req, at 1602 Los Alton Rd, betw Kate Sessions Rd and Jewell St. Zone R-1-5, Cond'l, ~~-4..,, S'.2 I-? 5" C-12691 7-5-74 p;;-L;t-i5-:-z:A:-~;;;id;;~;;q-~f-n;:-n;;id-N:-&-~;b;;;-c;;1g;;-t~-;;;~t-3i6-~r-i41-high chain link fence surrounding tennis court; fence to obs at closest point al' front yd SB wnere max 3 1 hi fence is perm in req 25' fr yd(6 20' hi ligh poles to be installed), at 1631 Los Altos Rd betw Jewell St & Loring St. Zone R-1-20 and has DENIED as req, but APPROVED a 12' hi chain link fence on top of the ret wall, obs l' front yard, cond'l, c-12795 9-30-74