Sorrento Corporate Park Card 1
SORRENTO CORPORATE PARK CARD 1.tif SORRENTO CORPORATE PARK d/lJ.Zt> O-00-cS Lots I- 8 and Lots 10- 17- Permit GRANTED to EQUIDON-SORRENTO, A Partnership, a~ the GREAT-WEST LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, a Canadian Corpoation, as Co-Tenants, owner/permittee, to construct and operate a Planned Industrial Development located east of Vista Sorrento Parkway and north of Mira Mesa Boulevard, Zone M-IP. PID #40-021-0 10-25-82 Portion Lot 4, M-IP Zone, Map 10260- Permit to EQUIDON INVESTMENT BUILDERS, to construct and operate a heliport on north side of Lusk Blvd, east of Sorrento Parkway. A ff <'S-111 ro CUP 82-0305 I 0/ 5/82 f i I ed (I /26/83)