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Development Services

Sorrento Land &Townsite Acre Lots 30-32

SORRENTO LAND &TOWNSITE ACRE LOTS 30-32.tif L <1nd:s c.r,ic/ SORRENTofTOWNSITE ACRE LOTS 30-32 Por- Permit to F. L. Gephart, owner's agent, to const & operate a 700-unit multiple housing project located SWly of Roselle St. & Sorrento Rd., being a por of Pueblo Lot 1328 & Sorrento Townsite, por lots 30-32, incl, in the R-1 Zone, condl. O 1 1 jo)~ J J;1 ~,1,, ~,,J;, rl. . 0 c;_ 1_5! U.P. Case No. 5843 1-22-64 yp f.J_ - 3.w,.__._,E~-~!&'JL-~~...---~-~---------------- Por Lot 31 (Maps 483 & 362, PM 4477)- Permit to Pepper Tree Ltd. to const two industrial bldgs and to eliminate req 10' wide by 470' long landscaped strip along freeway right-of- way in the street side yard at 10690 Roselle Street. Zone M-1-A and R-1-5. Condition. C-14399 NH. 6-J-77, Parce1_1_-_Permit_to_PeeeertreeL_Ltd.L_at_10750_Rose11e_St.L_Zone_R-1-2L_- Tabled_ZLZLZi____ Lots 8-10 ZA APPROVED request of JOHN R. CRAIG, OWNER: S.W.A. DEVELOPMENT, LESSESS to constr. a 10,000 sq. ft. bldg. to observe: (1) an 18' front yard where 25' is reqd on Roselle Way; (2) a 10' street side yard;(3) parking observing a 4' street side yard at 10929 Roselle St., Zone M-lA with conds. C-19604 6/5/87