Sorrento Land &Townsite Parcel 2 Card 1
SORRENTO LAND &TOWNSITE PARCEL 2 CARD 1.tif SORRENTO LANDS & TOWNSITE PARCEL 2 CARD If 1 /ti e /6'to'5JOo ti ol.~-rro3 Por. of Lots 5 & 6- Planned Industrial Development Permit is GRANTED by the Planning Director of the City of SD to EDWARD G. WONG, an individual, Owner/Permittee, to construct a 131,170 sq ft industrial & office development located on the north & sought side of Sorrento Valley Road, east of Parcel Map 13591, Map 483, Sheets 1 & 2 in the M-lA zone., PID 86-0981 7/15/88