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Sorrento Valley Industrial Park #2a Card 1

SORRENTO VALLEY INDUSTRIAL PARK #2A CARD 1.tif SORRENTO VALLEY INDUSTRIAL PARK UNIT # 2A ~00 ~7.:t.-ff17;,(,') Card # 1 m'' Lots 3 & 4- Permit to Industrial Develo~td.-to construct industrial buildings obs 15'-6" SB from Industrial Court where 25 1 SB is estab & obs 17'-6" SB from s. D. Freeway on rear por of lot where 25 1 SB is estab, at 3336 Industrial Ct., NEly of son-ento Valley Road, Zone M-lA, condl. Case No. 6856 1-12-65-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 5- Permit to Industrial Developers Ltd. to const commercial & industrial bldg on par, a por of 1 cor proj to obs 21 1 SB on easterly por of lot where 25 1 is estab, on Industrial Court, Ely of Sorrento Valley Road, Zone M-lA, condl. C-6JJ6 2/ 27 / 64_ Amend said approved var to permit 22 1 side yard along NE 1ly side, where 24.5 1 is req. ~:h> ffeq.qe r= 's:ebrrr!:- 17'1 Se:. b L- i 0 jL/-- C-63~6------------------- J/18/64----- Lot 2- Pennit to (Mr. Clark Higgins) Industrial Developers Ltd. 'to maintain and complete construction of comr,1ercial-industrial bldg, obs 4" side yard on NBly side where 12.24 1 is required, at))26-)330 Industrial Ct., M-lA ione, condl. ' AGREEMENT #1358- 1/11/65 C-66ll 8/4/64---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 9- TABLED req of Industrial Developers, Ltd. to const industrial building en- croaching 7' into req 25 1 setback {(See ROS H6208)), at Tripp Ct., end of Cul de Sac, Zone M-lA, where 25 1 setback is required. Case No. 7623 J/25/66----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 1,5, '& 8 =. Permit to Cal Sorrento Limited to er_ect 1 non-illuminated, monument identi- fication sign on each of 3 parcels; signs to be 2'-6" x 8 1 obs a 01 s6 whre 25' SB is Estab. at 11803 & 11777 Sorrento Valley Rd & 3347 tndustrial Ct, Zone M-1-A. 17. J:.-_u._682. 6-23-76...-.-:':"'~-,"'f:,-.'T'".""""....--.,....~-~-~-....-~---------------------..-.,..,,..___-------------------:---::------