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Development Services

South Bay Manor

SOUTH BAY MANOR.tif SOUTH BAY MANOR I" " '" Lot 48- AGREEMENT #1252 to Joseph T. & Rosa Montalto- guest (~,.. house, 962- 16th St. 6/18/63 L~~-j-:-2:A:-~~~;:-;;q:-~t-w;it;;R~-&-RTt;-Patt;rson-to-proviae-resTaentTai-care-home-rar___ 6 a11ed persons where max. of 2 boarders is perm. at 916 Fifteenth St., Imperial Beach, bet. Elder & Elm Ave., Zone R-1-5; and has DENIED the request. C-10513 C.U.P. 6-16-71 Lot 27 ~ Permit to Charles F. & Lynette K. Milich to constr. fam. room add. to exist. sin. fam. dwell. add. to obs. 25 1 front yard plus 25 1 from center line of Harwood St. and fireplace to obs. 23 front yard plus 25 from center line of Harwood St. where 401 from center line of street plus 15' front yard is req. 906 Harwood St. betwn. Elm and Evergreen Aves. Zone R-1-5. (N.H.) C-11824 3-14-73 Lot 26- The z.A. considered the request of Elden & Doris Prazak to constr 16 1 x 20 1 fam rm addn to exist sin fam dwell: (1) addn to obs 14' rear yard and fireplace to obs 12 1 rear yard where 20' is req (2) present dwell obs and addn to obs 40' from center line of Elm Ave plus 3' street side yard where 40' from center line of street plus 10' street side yard is required, at 903-15th St., Zone R-1-5 and has DENIED as requested but APPROVED a 16 1 rear yard and the fireplace to obs a 14' rear yard. Cond'l. C-12939 1-2-75