South La Jolla Block B
SOUTH LA JOLLA BLOCK B.tif SOUTH LA JOLLA BLOCK B i Lot l- Permit to Harry H. Whiteley to constr 1-story res and gar attached, 10 1-611 rear yard at 209 Westbourne. Res 4697 5-17-50 s Lot 3 and all of 4-5- Pennit to Thomas s. & Edith Wylly to build 2 duplex dwellings and 4 garage spaces on portion of lot div after zoning on Neptune PL, 120' N of Nautilus St. Res 5311 2-7-51 s Lot 3 and For Lot 4- duplex with garages, Lot 5 and Por Lot 4- duplex with garages, Thomas S. Wylly s-4 Thomas S Wylly S-3 9-7-51 9-7-51 Lot 6 and Nly of Lot 7- Permit to Dominic A. De Santo to constr 3 units, Ely side NeptunE Pl- between Westbourne and Nautilus St., Cond'l. Res 7276 3-18-53 Lot 9- CASE TABLED- project requires Coastal Permit, variance will be processed concurrently, located at Neptune Place and Nautilus, R-3000 zone. C-20250 4_18_89 Lot 9- ZA DENIED request of DEL MAR DEVElDPMENT 00. to maintain a 38 sq. ft. 6'-8" high construction ground sign where only a for sale/lease sign of 0'-4" by 0'-8" with a maximum height of 4 '-0" is pennitted, located at 6903 Neptune Place, R-3000 zone. ~..:..2..?3..?.9_______________________ 12-22-89 t,.,(,f,