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South La Jolla Block A Card 1

SOUTH LA JOLLA BLOCK A CARD 1.tif-~.:e...... ' ..-- SOUTH-LA JOLLA Block A ' CARD# l----, Lots 8-9- Permit DENIED to Wm. Scott to erec,:. solid redwood fence, over- all height 8', front setback line, 6811 Neptune Pl. Res. No.3646 5-4-49 Lots B-8- Permit to Wm. John & Mabel Scott to erect concrete block wall on exist. retain. wall, max. g,, arch over gate bringing it to approx. 9'6", stucco over-all, 6811 Neptune Pl.- Res. No. 3997 6-29-49' Lots 1-2- Permit to Jack & Kay Searles, purchasers, & Kathleen S. Fox, owner, to const. a duplex on the front of the lot &: an apt.over rear, cor. Nautilus & Neptune Pl. Res. No. 4416 2-8-50 L~ts l & 2,-Ext of 6 mos of Res #4416 to Jack & Kay Searles-our, and to Kathleen S. Fox, owner, permitting constr of duplex on front of lot with apt over garages at rear, on cor Nautilus & Neptune, Zone R-2. Res #4857 7-26-50 Lots land 2- extension of six months of Resolution No. 4416 resulted in Res. lfi.g57, to be amended as follows: Permit to Jadt and lay Searles, purchasers, and Kathleen s. J'ox, to construct a duplex over a three-car garage Res. f5118 11-15-50 Lots l and 2- to a.mend Res. 4416 2-8-50, extended by. Res. 4857 7-26-50- Permit to & Kay Searles to cons 4 liv units at Nautilus St. & Neptune Pl., Cohd 11. Res. #519112-13-~o Lots 1-2- FlNAL ext. of 6 mos. from exp. date of Res. 5191, which ext. Res. 5118,857, & 4416- to Jack and Kay Res. 5570 5/ 31/51 Lota 1 f, 2- Condl appr te l'rank B. Stueuon, owner, &-Willard It. l"irclen, par.- te erect a "duplex, in to an exist. duplex, making teta1 of 4 uita, at 203 & ~1-- 207 ~-aaaat1i].u a s_t., R-2. Cue #1063 3/ll/___- ~ $- 2., tS-~ 2- ~r