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Development Services

South La Jolla Block D Card 1

SOUTH LA JOLLA BLOCK D CARD 1.tif SOUTH EA JOLLA Block "D" Lots 22 & 23- Pennission to Hazel Camp,to erect 1 single femily residence on Lot 23 and a duplex on Lots 22 and 23 on the south side of Nautilus St. approx. 450 ft. west or La Jolla Blvd. Res. No. 2321 b/19/47 Lots 22 and 23- Hazel Camp- amendment to Resolution No. 2321 above. Lots 3 and 4- Resolution 14906 amended to read as follows: Permit to Robert Stir:nkorb to erec~ four living units crossing lot lines on S side of Nautilus St. approx 1251 E of lfeptune Place. Res "5128 11-15-50 Lots 81& gt- Peniit to Robert JAt~nd Elizabeth M11 stirnkorb 1 to construct a 4-un ~ ap, crossing lu IIne s, on Naut us ~t., E y 01 Neptune Pl., Zine R-2. (According to plans submitted)- Res, #5400 3-21-51 Lots 28 & 29- Permit to EA Berman to maintain exist carport att to res,with 0' side yd approx 45' from fr prop line, & maintain apt in conv gar in rear with O' side yd, 405 Nautilus Res. No. 7532_ -_A.V~__p_ljl #0_------_,.. fir Jto. 7:a. 6-24-53,$'~ 7-....3