South La Jolla Block D Card 2
SOUTH LA JOLLA BLOCK D CARD 2.tif SOtnH LA JOLLA BLOCK D {O Lots 18 & 19- Permit tow. A. Hansen to erect duplex, making 3 units on 2 lots, duplex to nave 6 1 access court to Soutn Lane, 347 Nautilus St. Res-7612 7-22-53 Lot 5 & w of 6- Permit to Mrs. Mary D. Barker to constr 9' x 10' kitcnen addn and enlarge present batn in exist res obs O' side yard on tne E., tne addn to obs the req 3' side yard at 247 Nautilus St. Zone R-2. Condl. c-1472 10-18-57 Lots 24-25- Permit to Jeannette S. Parkin to constr duplex, making 3 units on lots at 371 Nautilus St. R-2. C-2929 11-13-59 Lots 35 exc W 5' and all 36- Permit to Elizabeth and Fred Knight to maintain two exist sin fam res with possible future addn res by variance. Frontage 45' on Nautilus. 8-710 3-28-62 Lots 34 & W5' of 35- Permit to Marion & Artnur Hansen to maintain exist sin fam res and constr additional sin fam res. Frontage 30' on Nautilus. S-709 3-29-62 Lot 5 & Ely} of 6- Mrs Mary B. Barker to constr a 15' x 24' rumpus room and nob by dark room in rear of lot. AGREE #818 10-19-54