South Park Addn Block 16 Card 1
SOUTH PARK ADDN BLOCK 16 CARD 1.tif_j:..,..1..... ~.......- SOU'lliPARK ADDN BLOCK 16 CARD #1 Lot 11- Setback suspended, providing gar is built in bank at N side of tne front. Permit to c. H. Alspaugh Res 35181 9-8-25 Lot 12- Permit to John Mc Neal to replace 58' of retaining wall ranging in 41 to 61, to obs a O' front yd at 1546 31st Street. R-2 Zone. Condition. 10-4-77- height from C- I 4717 NH. Lot 11- Pennit DENIED by ZA to GUY R. G. DE LESTARD to use property as a residential care facility for nine mentally disabled persons (two attendants will also live on the premises), at 1536- 31st Street, Zone R-2, CUP 17976 4-1-83