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Development Services

South Rancho Hills # 2

SOUTH RANCHO HILLS # 2.tif SOUTH RANCHO HILLS #g Lot 94- Permit to Marvin M. & Marjorie Tucker to maintain exist 5' fence obs 1 1 SB on Seascape Dr. where 12' is required and maximum 3' high is perm in SB area at 2602 Calle Tres Lomas. Zone R-1. c-3289 4-5-60 Lot 171- Pennit to Gerald & Paulette Bell to constr a 12' by 18' recreation room addn to exist sin fam dwell; addn to obs a 14' rear yard at the closest point where a 20' rear yard is req at 6302 Seascape Dr.Zone R-1-5. c-13050 4-2-75 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------