South Rancho Hills # 3 Card 1
SOUTH RANCHO HILLS # 3 CARD 1.tif 8) UTB RANCHO HILLS #3 : Card ~) 7 Lot 175, ~almer ~onner, 011111er, & Shell Oil Go, lessee, DENIED to const 8 1 rotating ~le si~ support post 3' SB, sign to projeci to prop ln~LO' SB req)on Hancho Hills Dr, 15' on Reo Dr:lone RC-IA. '~ \:. denied, Act on Adm suatained Case 3555-,9-16-60 Lot 174, Palmer Conner,~ vhell Oil ~o D~Nrgv 8' rotating pole sign, support post obs 3' SB~ AP~ROVE. D to alter requiremt for 10 1 Jlanting strip on priv~te prop to ~mt 5 1 wide plant strip on City r/w for 10' width on III side of propr on Heo 1Jr, exc at i ress & egres, cond 1 1,..,", DENIED, but approved sign pylon Case 3554 ll-16-60-----_ I_.----- pell' 1'xllibit!A!!..n-fi-1.i.n-oli'..,----------------- Lot 174, Palmer Conner(Weatern Mutual Corp) owner, & I-Safeway Stores,; 2-Angela Bakery; 3- Sav-on Service, 4-Cornet Stores Inc. S-Oscar' Barber & Beauty::ihops, lessees to erect sips on each bueiness, SE corner J.'l.ancho Hills & Beo Dria. ~one BC-U. 'll/1dUillh AI.IBND APPLlCATl.lN: erect 1~270 sq ft. sign on canopy Case 3685 11-25-60 L3/- ~a- erect- a-.t r 1-i> '- ri gn-ai,t~hed- iwl--fltfl~ of-c8:fl01):l"" pro-;!-i~m,. .ao.e ~.. hl.ds, a.:t-- 6082 Banbury st.; erect one 3'x 12 1 sign attach to facis of canopy project 10 1 fnn face of bldg at 6084 Banbury St; ai. erect 2 signs, one 3'x 11 1 & one 3'x 12 1 attach to facia,. of, cinopy project 10 1 fnn face of bldg, total 72 sq ft of signs on bldg at 6086.Banbury st.'-.....6rect one sign max 3 1 x 36 1 project 10' fno face of bldg, total 108 sq ft of signs on bldg at 6088.Banbury st. Case 3685 11-25-60 CJ a""ssl fl c~tio~-or U-se-_- L~c~ted;outh~;st~.=-1 y of-th~-i n-t;r;e;t lo; o-f-R;ncho- Hi II 5- D-rive-;nd Reo Drive on a por. of South Rancho Hills Unit Bonded Cleaners. Res.#176155 1-18-63 53