Southclair Terrace # 2 Card 1
SOUTHCLAIR TERRACE # 2 CARD 1.tif sour1tciunrERiici'H2 &~n11 CARD #1 Lot 72 to Mr. & Mrs, Earl H. Miiier, Jr. to maintain a 7t x z4t sunshade structure, obs 0' sideyard 40' from front prop li~e where a 4' sideyard is req at 24J0~Cowley Way betw Lister & July Sts in R-1-5 Zone., condl. Case No~ 7267 7/30/65 -------------------------------------------Lot 4 59- Permit was considered by ZA to ERIC LANKISCH to construct a one-story guest house addition to existing single-family dwelling, located at 2531 Cowley Way, Zone R-1-5/HR. DECISION: DENIED as requested, but APPROVED, subject to conditions. CUP 17997 4-22-83 Lot 208- AGREEMENT to ABIGAIL ESTY AND KATHRINE ESTY to construct a two- story addition to an existing single-family dwelling; addition to include second floor bedrooms and bath, with internal access to remainder of house and outside access to deck; new first floor addition to have internal and outside access, located at 2504 Burgener Boulevard, Zone Rl-5000. AGREEMENT #3349 8-9-85 Lot 109- Agreement with James and Susan Johnston to construct a second story addition over existing garage, addition to consist of two bedrooms, walk-in closet, full bathroom. Addition has interior access from living room and separate exterior access, located at 2542 Cowley Way, Rl-5000 zone. Agreement //4241 3-30-89 3