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Development Services

Southeast Clairemont #1 Card 3

SOUTHEAST CLAIREMONT #1 CARD 3.tif SOUTHEAST CLAIREMONT #1 Card #i.q Lot 13- Permit to Harvey D. & Florence E. McCutchin to erect approx 60 1 of 5' hi wood fence on top of exist retain wall varying in ht from 12" to 32" where max 6 1 lli wall or fence is perm in req 20' rear yd at 6246 Mt.Ackerman Dr betw Mt Al vert ine Ave & Mt. Abraham Ave., Zone R-1-5, c.::10208 NH 11-17-70----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 62- Z.A. nas considered appl of James A and Bonnie Kemp to erect approx 80 1 of 5' lli solid wood fence, per:to obs 7' setback where max 3' fence is perm in established 12'setback; at 6520 Mt. Adelbert Drive betw Mt. Albertine Ave and Mt. Abranam Ave, Zone R-1-5 and has DENIED as req, but APPROVED 5' hi fence to obs 10' setback. C-10304 N.H. 2-2-71 Lot 66- Permit DENIED to Vern and Susan Karlin to maintain garage converted to den on existing sin fam dwell and eliminate two req off-street parking spaces, at 6505 Mt. Adelbert Dr. betwn Mt. Alvertine Ave. and Mt. Aguilar Dr., Zone R-1-5. C-12,227 10-15-73 Appealed te BZA- Appeal GRANT.ED- 12-20-73)------~----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 44- Permit to Mario & Alice Sesmundo to const 29' x 11'6" rec & bedrm addn to exist sin fam dwell, addn to obs 13'6" rearyd where 20 1 req (exist bedrm obs 13'6" rearyd), 6243 Mt. Ackerman Dr., Zone R-1-5, Cond'I C-13469 2-6-76