Southeast Clairemont #1 Card 4
SOUTHEAST CLAIREMONT #1 CARD 4.tif SOUTHEAST CL41REMONT #1 Lot 42- Permit to Jack R & Louise F Bowles to dwell, addn to obs approx 12' rearyd where 20' const 14' x 24' fam rm addn to exjst sin fam req, 6303 Mt. Ackerman Dr, Zone R-1-5, Cond'I c-13558 4-12-76 Lot 5- Permit to The Roman Catholic Bishop of San Diego to constr 2nd story addn w/bar sink to exist SFD at 4038 Mt. Abraham, Zone R-1-5. AGREE #2402 11/17/78 Lot 38- Permit to Stuart & Edna Foster at 6383 Mt. Ackerman Dr., Zone R-1-5- to constr a 17' x 20' addn to exst SFD obs 10' rearyd. Condit. c-15886 5/4/79