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Development Services

Southeast Clairemont # 3 Card 2

SOUTHEAST CLAIREMONT # 3 CARD 2.tif SOUTH EAST CLAIREMONT NO. 3 d' Card Lot 108- Permit to ~Q!! Development Co to maintain exist retaining wall with chain link f'nc on top/eranging in overall hgt f'rm 5' to 8 1 4", obs 0' SB on Salazar St (12' SB req) & approx 5' along Auburndale St (15' req) NWl.y cor Salazar & Auburndale Sts, R-1. N.H. C-4274 7-26-61 Lot 142- Permit to Major E. & Kay E.,Garrett to erect 4 1 high chain link fnc obs O" SB fro. future St. reservation where max 3' high fnc..:i.s perm in established 15' SB, at 3995 Mt. Albertine Ave., R-1 Zone, cond 'l. c-5783 6-19-63 Lot 62- Permit to Mr & Mrs Albert W. Berteaux, owners & Am Rous Guild, lessee, to const a 2' x 4 1 directional sign for Mission ViiiageWest, a new sub; sign to be unlighted & to be maintained for a period not to exceed 1 yr.; sign located in SB area, at 3990 Arverne St., Zone R-1, cond'l. C-5786 7-9-63 Lot 45- Z.A. considered tne application of MR. James E. & Joanne Go~ to enclose por of yd with 5' high redwood fnc; por of fnc to be on top of porposed3' high ret wall which obs O' SB on Arvene St. where 15' SB is estab, max 3' high fnc in SB area perm, at 6803 Arverne Ct., R-1-5 Zone and DENIED the req but APPROVED a 5' nigh fnc obs 5' SB, cond'l. c-6525 6-9-64 Lot 111- Permit to William N. & Barbara H. Schneider to construct 6 1 high redwood fnc along por of Nly side of lot obs 8 1 SB on Forum St where 12' SB is es tab & lr.:t of 3' high f in SB is perm, at 3856 Auburndale St, SW Cor Forum & Auburndale Sts., Zone-. cgod'l. c-4847 4-25- 2