Southeast Clairemont # 3 Card 3
SOUTHEAST CLAIREMONT # 3 CARD 3.tif.) Card No. (j) (t/--,-~q-!Ur, e,.') SOUTHEAST CLAirlEMONT NO. 3 Lot 18- Permit to Peter A & Maria ~angs, owners, and Pardee Construction Co., lessee, to erect and maintain for a period of one year one 3 1 x 51 single-faced, post-mounted, unlighted directional sign for Pardee Homes, a new subdivision located immediately to the east where an 8 sq. ft. for sale or lease sign is perm., at 6813 Petit ot. NE Cor of its intersection with Arve~e St., zo;ie R-1-Ji, C <:nd'ly__ 1qase No. 7701.. 6-1-66_=;}------------------------~~-!L-~.. '.12.-~.P...-1....l_-.,l_/_-g_ZJ...,ff:-_,~~=t.:30.:~...;i,:,Lot 81- Permit to Henry C. & N. H. Kc:Gb~ to const fam room addn to sing fam dwell addn t encroach 41 into req 20 1 rear yard at 6929 Forum St., 6001 east of Auburndale Dr., Zone R-1-5, Cond'l. Case No. 7807 N.H. 7-20-66---------------------------------------------------------------Lot 115- Permit to Lawrence W. & Shirley M. Qiles_,to const a 121 x 45 1-611 covered patio addn to exist sing f'am res, addn to encroach 4' into req 20 1 r~ yard, at 6581 Forum St., JOO' W1ly of' Auburndale St., Zone R-1-5. Case No. 782J {N.H.) 8-2-66------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 21- Permit to Harold K. & Betty Ann lllsebye to construct fm rm addtn to sngle fam dwell.1! addtn to obs 16 1 rear yd where 20 1 is req; at 0826 Beloit Ave, bet Arverne St. & Broadlawn St, Zone R-1-5; Cawse #8929 N.H. 10-J-68 /(