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Southern Title Guaranty Co's Sub. Of P.L 1801 Card 1

SOUTHERN TITLE GUARANTY CO'S SUB. OF P.L 1801 CARD 1.tif,._a&i! Ill G\JAtt.Arn:r l 6. stn~; OF-PE!Bt'6 LOT_].S-Oi '....., ~- t.f 1 iWly 50' of Si of Lot 89 & Wly 50' of Lot 9J- Condl permit to Gerald B-& Ra el M Sain to erect duplex at rear of exist 1 ing fam res, total 3 units, 8' ac ss 1, ct,1344 LaP.alma.. Res, No. l: <)52 12-28-49 1 Uyi of Wly 63' Lot 94- Permit to Jos B & Louise L Proulx to ad_ d gar to exist ~es 8' rear yard, 4095 Gresham, Res. No. 47'.!;3 5-31-50 Lot '.36 Permit to Mobilhome Corp. for Dea.n F Palmer to move frame duplex from 27.51 Frontier to La Palma St. H1' Res i09?-14-50 Permit to move frame gar8';e to La. Palma St. HM Res 810- Lot 66- Permit to Frank Naso to erect multiple unit dwellings with 7 1 SB. 11' side Riveria. Dr., R-4., Res. No. 6182 2-6-52----------------------------------------------- Lot 59 ~ Permit to CJ & C~cilia Paderewski to erect 9 unit apt with 7'. 6 SB, on Riviera__];!r.:.._____________.._ ~________-~s..!.. fo.s. 2.72.8_____ 8=.12.-j,2_____ Lot 59- 6 mo. ext. to Res. 6798 ABOVJil to CJ & Cecilia Paderewski _____________,....____,_.;________ ge.,_N.Q.,.._~8~____ 1-18.=.5.J~--.::.,-:1 s1,i of WI,.- Lot 98- Permit,DENIED to Julio Cf; Ruby Mena to const duplex, ma.king 3 UIU.ts with 2 units having 5' aceess, 4017 Gresham Res, No. 8022 2-3-54.--------------:"'-~'.'""".'.-:---:-:---:------:--::-:::-:--:---:-::-~-:-:----:- Po r Lots 23 & 24- Permit to]fVait W, Diamond to const 2nd fl bedrm &hth addn to exist res, also carport a.4.;,-&1.ot not having full st fr,, W side Everts St. betw Pac Bch Dr. & Mission Bay. .- Res. No, 8476 9-15-54,, Nl of w of Lot 100- Permi m 2751 Fr'}!1tier