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Southern Title Guaranty Co's Sub. Of P.L 1801 Card 3

SOUTHERN TITLE GUARANTY CO'S SUB. OF P.L 1801 CARD 3.tif ~7 SOUTHERN TITLE GUARANTY CO I S SUB. OF P.L. 1801 CARD_# 3______ Lottt.14,.15, & 16- Permit to Zlac Rowing Club to demolish & rebuild exist____ detached gar# build new boat house, and alter and remodel interior of exist---pr-i-vate club located on par, at 1111 Pacific Beach Dr., Zone R-q.. Cond I l Case No. 4917 5-25-62-----------------------------------------------------------------------------1 Lots 37 & 38- Pennit to Villa Vacanze A Missione Mare Apartments to maintain exist grapestake and masonry fence ranging in height from a, to 9 1-611, all but approx '-i 11 on Ely side obs yd req 1.'or dwell; & erect 10 high chain link 1.'ence around exist tennis court above gar, at 1327 La Palma St., betw Fanuel & Gresham Sts., Zone R-4 Case No. 5057 7-5-62 ~-~----------------------------------------------------------------_____;-- Lot 82- Z.A. considered app or Orlando A. & Lottie o. Catalano to install &: maintain parking space for 4 cars obs 3 -6n distance from curb & 3 1 from t'roht p.l., where 20 1 distance from curb is req. Parking to be used 1n connec with proposed 4-unit apt house to be canst on lot, at 1259 Pa.cific Beach Dr., R-4 Zone and has DENIED req ror 31-6'" from curb & 3 1 from p.l., but APPROVED 7' rrom curb & 6 1 from p.l.