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Development Services

Southlook Block E

SOUTHLOOK BLOCK E.tif SOUTHLOOK c:,)/ 555 ':) BLOCK E / qy-17;:;;~ ((Lots 18-20- Permit to Carl Hays to erect 3 residences 10' from line on T St. Res 67631 5-24-38 Lor 24- Permit to Cnarles Bowman to build addn to tne rear of an exist garage wnicn is 6o' from front prop line and 811 from side lot line at 568 Jewell st. Res 375 8-19-43 Por. Lot 9- Permit Ezequiel & Marry Calderon to construct add, to single-family dwelling on lot with no frontage on dedicated. street where min. of 15'-0" street frontage is required. Located at 535 Olivewood Terrace. Zone.SF'-5000. Conditions C-20642 9/21/91