Speer Tract Addition
SPEER TRACT ADDITION.tif SPEER TRACT ADDITION 0051 /.j f ~IJ-\7D5., ""'-~ Lot l- Z.A. considered the app of W. Arnet Speer, owner & Joseph Tausch Assoc., lessee, to erect one 6 1 x io, 221 high, double-faced, interior lighted ID sign advertising "Donut Di vine 11; pole of sign to obs all requirements but edge of sign encro 10 1 over req 10 1 landscape strip that must be clear to sky; at 3J53 Rosecrans St. betw Viidway Dr. & Lytton St., Zone C-lA, and has DENIED t.. e request to locate the pole back of the landscape strip with a 10 1 SB from front prop line, but APPROVED a center mound pole with pole encro 51 into landscape stcip, with 5 1 SB, and APPROVED sign encro 10 1 over req 101 landscaping strip with 0 1 SB. Case No. 7898 1-30-67------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------