St. Clairs Addn. Card 2
ST. CLAIRS ADDN. CARD 2.tif Jl!!l'lil!'-"', ~. Card # 2 Bot 9 Q Permit to Paul C. & Jean Kremer to maintain two existing sing fam swellin,i: on lot and convert existing guest nouse over gar permitted by Agree- ment #877 to a dwelling unit for resident owner, making a total of 3 dwelling units on the lot; one dwelling at rear to be served by a 5'-4" access court and other dwelling to be served by a 4' access court where 10 1 access court is req and mx~ 2 sing fam res permitted at 7335, 7335-A and 7337 Draper Ave., Zone R-2. Case #5410 & 5411 ~ 1-11-63---------------------------------------- Lot 9- A:OOVE APPEALED AND DENIED-- Decision of Acting Z.A. sustained & affirmed and further requires that guest house on 2nd floor of rear bldg shall have kitchen, incl sink & accompanying plumbing & kitchen cabinets removed; & shall be restored to the cond orig approved by Agreement #877 that living unit on the lower floor of rear bldg snall be entirely dismantled including removal of kitchen, sink & acconpanying & kitchen cabinets; & use of this space be restored to storage only-- that foregoing require- ments be complied with within 30 days after date of filing of res. in City Clerk's Office. Case No. 5410 & 5411 3-14-63-i;t 9-:-;;r~t-t-;,-P;;1-c:&J-e-;;-i;e~;;-;o-;;1nt-;_;:~-i;ri;t.;;gi.-i~~;;sl:;;; i-;t-f-cori;;;"t-- exist. guest house ovr. gar. to a dwelling unit making total of 3 dwellings on lJ,450 sq.ft. R-2 lot & at future date const. 4th dwelling on abv.lot, guest house to be convert. tobe served by 6access crt, 2 rear dwellings served by 4 1access crt at front, at 7335, 7335-A, & 7337 Draper St.btwn.Center&Pearl Sts., Zone R-4,condl. Case No. 64$2 5-28-64