St. Jhon's Wood
ST. JHON'S WOOD.tif ST. JOHN'S WOOD (X)J./dd(5 J..D8-lb97 ~,..-,.i Lot 7- Permit to Don E. & Connie Wilson to erect 61 high solid masonry wall on top of exist 21 to 6 high retaining wall on NW property line returning along north property line resulting in 8 1 to 121 high wall 7' to 9' above average adjacent ground level and to erect 6 to 7' high solid masonry wall along SE property line, all back of SB, where a max P' above average adjacent ground level is permitted, at 4026 Narragansett Ave., 500 1 NW of La Cresta Dr., R-1-5 Zone, condl. Case No. 6537 6-4-64------------------------------------------------- Lot 7- Donald E. & Constance Wilson to install bar sink in playroom on first.floor of 2-story sing!am dwell, SE side of & 500 1 NW of La Cresta Dr., Zone R-1. Agreement No. 1157 1-31-62-------------------------------------------------------------Lot 3- Permit to Murray L. Wasson to Const 15' x 20 1 addn to exs garage, res in garage of 20' x 35', Zone R-1-5. C-14886 NH. 1-13-78. 3802 Narragansett Avenue. 55