St. Louis Heights Block 1
ST. LOUIS HEIGHTS BLOCK 1.tif ST. LOUIS HEIGHTS BLOCK 1 Lots 27 & 28- Permit to erect & operate an addnl k1tcnen & bedrm in Zone R-1. Permit to Ruth M. Aldrich, 3388 Granada St. Res. 64871 9-1-36 Lot 31- AGREEMENT to John B. & Alice C. Pyle at 3370 Granada Ave; A-1470 Lot 23 & 24-PERMIT APPROVED BY ZA toEllen Brower, owner & THE SHIELOH to maintain use of existing 2-story build. as a reigious org. at 3393 c16570 4-10-67 FOUNDATION, Jessee, 28th St.Zone Rl-5 5/28/80