St. Louis Heights Block 2 Card 2
ST. LOUIS HEIGHTS BLOCK 2 CARD 2.tif ST. LOUIS HEIGHTS BLCCK 2 \ C(__ CARD # 2 Lots 31 & 32, CUP was approved by ZA with requests 2 & 3 havin <:-1 conditions, LISETTE CAUCHON and ROBERT DAMONE requtsted to 1) convert an existing residence where such use is perrrdtted by CUP only; 2) allow said guest quartenc: to observe a 3' rear yard hwere 4' is required; and 3) said guest quarters to rraintain eaves with a 2' and 1' clearance tc the side, and rec:,r property lines respectively, where 2' is required at 3370 29th street, Rl-5000 zone C-21361 4-5-96