Stadium Park East # 3 Card 2
STADIUM PARK EAST # 3 CARD 2.tif STADIUM PARK EAST UNIT #3 (, 1()\) 1)-c411 #2 Lots 1 & 2- ZA APPROVED AMENDED request of CASTER ENTERPRISES- to constr. a one & 2-story addn to an existing one-story industrial bldg; (1) 1,822 sq ft. first-story addn to observe a 0' interior side yd where 25' is reqd; & (2) observe reduced front yd landscaping at 4680 Alvarado Canyon Rd., Zone M-IA, with conds. C-18820 7/3/84 Lots 1, 2,- ZA APPROVED AMENDED request of CASTER FAMILY TRUST, TERRENCE R. CASTER, TRUSTEE, CMNER; SOUT'tlWFST CHRISTIAN CENTER, LESSEE to use 6000 sq.ft. for church services of a portion of 14, 815 sq. ft. leased space, which is a portion of 94,750 sq. ft. ware- house canplex, at 4688 Alvarado canyon Road (Suites I through P) Zone M-lA; With Conditions. C-17958 5/25/90 Lot 2, ALcohol Beverage Outlet Conditional Use Permit was approved with conditions by ZA, FOUR AMIGOS LAND DEVELOPERS/CASTER FAMILY ENTERPRISES sought toallow the establishment of the sale of alcoholic beverages for off-site consumption where such use is permitted by CUP only at 4564 Alvarado Canyon Road, Suites B&C, M-lA Zone C-21446 4-16-97