Starkley's Prospect Park Block B Card 3
STARKLEY'S PROSPECT PARK BLOCK B CARD 3.tif STAR kl EV I S PROSPECT PARK 6c)l1i S BLOCK 8 J"1-f"5 $ Lot 5- ZA DENIED request of FRED MORAD I to (I) construct two 8 1 x 8 1811 two-story porch additions to the front of existing triplex; porch addn to obs a 9'811 front yd where 15' is required; & (2) constr. approx. 65' of 6 1 hi fence observing a 0 1 front yd where max. 3 1 hi fence or wal I is permitted at 615 Westbourne St., Zone R-3000, C-18570 9/21/84 Lot 7- Agreement with Eugene and AlicffNagy to convert two units into one unit by removing kitchen facilities and construct a new second unit at the second story., at 549 Westbourne_street_._Zone R-3,000_____________ Agreement_#A_4029_________ 6/23/88________