Starskey's Prospect Park Block B Card 1
STARSKEY'S PROSPECT PARK BLOCK B CARD 1.tif r ' Block B Block B, Lot 4 Card # :2 626 Westbou.rne St, Res. 65894 May 4, 1937 Erect and operate a Duplex in rear of Residence at above address. Permit to W. C. Atkins, Lot 22- Permit to to Stare 1 s Pros Lot 17- Permit to E.C.Sta.nfield to use por of lot for parking lot in co:bjunction with store acrosa alle7,(cond'l} Bes,?lo, 9004- 6-22-SS Lot 9, Permit to WaJ.ter Tehrt to move residence from 7449 Herschell to 525 Westbourne HH Jl'J;!.a:Z 4 4 59 Lot 12, Permit to Louis & Louise 0 1Nesti DENIED to alter second floor of exist com'l bldg to living quarters, 2nd floor obs 0 1 side yd (3 req) at 6939 La Jolla Blvd,C zone. APPEALLED c Z.A. overruled 8-26-59 Case 2643 7-10-59 Nly 60' of Lot 25- Cond'l. pennit to Edna E. Rivenes, ower, and John A. & Marilyn E. Campbell, purch., to mainta~ ~ist. sing. fam. res. on parcel split after date of orig. zoning but prior to 12/5/54, at 6920 Draper Ave., Zone R-2.. Case #3964 4/6/61