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Development Services

State Farm Service Center #1 Card 1

STATE FARM SERVICE CENTER #1 CARD 1.tif C STATE FARM SERVICE CENTER #1 l,,f37!' CARD 1rJ Lot 1- Permit to State Farm Mutual Automobile Ins. Co. to (1) eliminate req 6 1 hi solid wall on west side of prop where 6 1 ~igh solid wall is req to enclose parking area and (2) erect on east prop line approx 390' of retaining wall ranging in height from 3' to 7' with a 6 1 high solid fence on top thereof; where a max 61 high wall with a 3 ft hi open fence on top thereof is perm on North side of Camino Del Rio No., W of Ward Rd and E of Stadium Way, Zone RP-lA. C-10337 N.H. 2-11-n s~- 3- /o- 7L________________----------------------------------------------___________, Lot 1- Z.A. has considered the request of State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Co. for perm (1) to erect free-standing, double-faced, interior illum ID sign, overall height 18 1 6", each face of sign to be 6 1 x 8', base of sign to obs 8 1 front yd from new property line, edge of sign to obs 5' front yd and to encroach into required landscaping strip; (2) to erect on second floor of each elevation of bldg a 4 1 x 4 1 interior illuminated ID wall sign with 14" high.aluminum letters in two 12' lines below; where (1) 15' front yd is req with no encroachment perm in req landscape strip and (2) one sign designating principal use of premises is perm fronting each street and said sign shall be attached to but not project above parapet or eaves of the bldg; at 3590 Camino Del Rio North, So of floor channel and west of Murphy Canyon Road, Zone CO and made the following decisions: (1) DENIED; (2) APPROVED C-10414 4-28-n Portion of Lot 1- Permit GRANTED TOR. CARTER SANDERS, JR, to construct and operate a Planned Co11111ercial Development, located on the north side of Camino Del Rio North between Interstate 15 and Interstate 805, Zone R-1-40 (proposed CO). PCD #45 3-23-78 AMENDED 5-15-81 {SEE ALSO RANCHO MISSION- Lot 45 Portion)