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Stephen's Addn. Block 3

STEPHEN'S ADDN. BLOCK 3.tif---~hk~#?-~--~~-'"''-;.. t,.. Bl.k 3..,.;;;':cf;.;) <~,::,_;.'-'.... 11ock 3, Lot e 10-i3 l 1 C & R-4 (Ord. 138 N. s.) suspended for dog kennels Permit to M.R. Stafford, 3825 Eagle st., Expires October 23, 1935 # /;,lf3o l.._,.,,- J"" I/ s7 Res. 73477. 2/25/41,,DENIES; to Mrs. Bess G. Wicks, 3825 Eagle St, the operation of a dog kennel at 6453 Pacific Highway.)but also Grants arpermit for a period of 6 months only,to continue oreration in order that another location for such o~eretion may be secured, Res. 74447. 6/24/41, GRANTS to l."rs.Bess G. ',Vicks the operation of her Aberfeldy Kennels, 6453?acific Highway, on Lots 10-13, for a period of two years from lluly 1,1941. ('.:::xpires 7/1/43) Lots 10-13- 3 year permit to Bessie G. Wicks to continue operation ot the Aberfeldy Dog Kennel at 6453 Pacific Hgwy. Res.No,309- 6/17/43 Lots 10 to 13 inc.- Extension of 3 years on Res. No. 309- to continue operation of the Aberfeldy Dog Kennel at 6453 Pacific Hwy. Res. No. 1353 2/28/46